Balancing System - Novita
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Novita Balancing System allows the system operator to provision regulation capacities and energy in an efficient and transparent way. The system covers the following processes:


Registration of qualified resource providers and their resource objects
Auctions for provisioning long-term capacity
Accepting regulation energy nominations by resource providers for a day-ahead and intraday markets
Compiling merit order lists (MOL) of activation offers with support for filtering and sorting
Exchanging MOL with the neighboring TSOs
Finding optimal combination of offers for required activation parameters (by using sophisticated algorithm or allowing operator to manually pick desired offers)
Issuing direct and scheduled activation orders, with management of return information about status of execution
Gathering information on planned and unplanned outages of resource objects
Preparing various reports for partners and internal use
Reporting to ENTSO-E Transparency Platform (EMFIP)


The system implementation is based on the following ENTSO-E documents:


ENTSO-E Reserve Resource Process (ERRP) Implementation Guide v5r5
ENTSO-E Settlement Process (ESP) Implementation Guide v1r2
ENTSO-E Outage Document Implementation Guide v1r2
ENTSO-E Acknowledgement Document (EAD) Implementation Guide v5r1 and v6r0
ENTSO-E EIC Code lists v50
Manual of Procedures for the ENTSO-E Central Information Transparency Platform v2r0 with appendices:

Detailed Data Descriptions v1r4
MADES Communication Standard v1r1
Electronic data interchanges on the Internal Electricity Market v0r4
ENTSO-E Generation And Load Transparency Process Implementation Guide v3r0
ENTSO-E Outage Transparency Process Implementation Guide v3r0
ENTSO-E Balancing Transparency Process Implementation Guide v3r0
ENTSO-E Transmission Transparency Process Implementation Guide v3r0
ENTSO-E Configuration Transparency Process Implementation Guide v3r0
Central Information Transparency Platform – Business Requirements Specification v1r3
ENTSO-E Problem Statement Document (Epsd) Implementation Guide v2r0
Commission Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 of 14 June 2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets and amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council