The term Scheduling System represents three separated products, which can be used as a whole or separately. In the planning phase SO-SO Scheduling System with UCTE Hierarchy/Verification Process, in operation phase Intraday Transmission Operation System and in settlement phase Accounting and Settlement System with metering data management option can be used. The systems are implemented based on ENTSO-E balance management process, intended to be deployed at system operator (SO) for supporting:
In the first phase, the balance responsible parties prepare the day-ahead schedules and submit them to the system operator either via one of communication channels (e-mail, sftp, web service …) or by entering them manually via the provided web site.
The system can support separate long term and short term nomination cycles. The nominations are automatically validated against capacity agreements allocated by local system operator, counter system operator or external allocation office.
Each nomination cycle ends with one or more succeeding matching cycles, which can be fully customized (e.g. aggregation of time series, single side or parallel matching, initiating/participating or receiving/matching operator …). The final short term matching cycle can be marked as a cutoff cycle, so that the mismatched time series are automatically adjusted and final confirmation reports sent to balance responsible parties accordingly.
The system supports SO as a control block member or a control block operator roles.
UCTE hierarchy (old) process supports two ways of sending CAX files. If SO is a control block member, the CAX schedules are sent to the control block operator and system awaits their confirmation. If SO is also a control block operator, the system receives and matches CAX schedules from all control block members, exchanges CBS schedules with neighboring blocks and compiles CBS schedule for the coordination center operator. After receiving final confirmation from the coordination center, the system distributes confirmations to the block members.
New Verification process supports Aggregated Netted External TSO Schedules, Aggregated Netted External Market Schedules and Compensation Program Schedules output documents. Importing of Verification platform responses (Aggregated Netted Market Schedules – statuses) is also supported.
In the operation (or “intraday”) phase, the planned schedule is executed. The system operator handles any deviations between production, consumption and unforeseen congestion.
Furthermore two intraday capacity allocation processes are supported: local allocation and XBID support. While using local allocation, system supports allocating the available transmission capacity (Intraday ATC) on a first-come, first-served basis. The capacity allocated in this manner is enforced to be nominated within the adjustable reservation period. While using XBID allocation, system supports sending various files to Capacity Management Module (CMM) and receiving intraday market results from Shipping module (SM).
The system supports periodical intraday matching cycles and sending of the changed intraday schedules all the way up the UCTE pyramid/Verification process.
The third phase involves receiving meter readings, comparing the received readings to agreed schedules and calculating the imbalance settlement data.
Metering data may be received from external systems such as AMR by a standard XML file (Measurement Values Document). If XML format is not available, the resulting text file may be used to create it. Data can also be input or changed manually.
Local system operator first synchronizes its measurements with neighboring system operators using SOMA (System Operator Meter Alignment) documents. Accounting data is then matched by using SOAM (System Operator Accounting data Matching) documents. Finally, SOVA (System Operator Validated Accounting data) documents are sent up the UCTE hierarchy. Virtual borders are also supported.
If system operator also operates the control block, the system gathers SOVA documents from all block members and awaits the weekly control block settlement report (CBSRw). After receiving it, the system calculates and issues settlement report for all the block members (CASRw documents).
● ETSO Scheduling System (ESS)
● CEE Scheduling TSO
● ETSO Capacity Allocation and Nomination System (ECAN)
● ENTSO-E Settlement Process (ESP)
● RGCE Accounting and Settlement
● ETSO Acknowledgement Document (EAD)
● UCTE SO-SO Guide
● ETSO Status Request (ESR)
● ETSO Publication Document (EPD)
● ENTSO-E Core Components (ECC)
● ENTSO-E Code List (ECL)
● The Energy Identification Coding Scheme (EIC)
The system is frequently updated to latest standards. The documentation for the ENTSO-E standards can be found on the ENTSO-E EDI Library web page at