Transfer Capacity Auction System enables capacity auction trading with several transfer product types (hourly, daily, monthly, yearly …). System is with straightforward architecture, supported ENTSO-E standards and low maintenance cost the best choice for system/market operators, which are holding allocation office role.
System supports different auction price calculation (e.g. marginal price, pay as bid) algorithms .Bid orders can be entered via order entry mask or by importing ENTSO-E standard XML Bid document file with symbol, volume (MW) and price (€/MWh) specified. Traders can enter also multiple orders for products at the same time with special order entry mask. All or Nothing option is supported. All standard order management options are supported.
Once auction is official, users can export Allocation Results Document with detailed results of the auction according to ECAN standard. It includes detailed information for any given offer (the quantity offered and the price) and details of the successful bid (allocated quantity and price). Capacity Contract Type (CCT) and Capacity Agreement Identification (CAI) are specified in this document. File can be received also via email and it’s usually imported to traders’ front/back office systems for energy trading. Additional reports in Microsoft Office Excel format are supported.
Transfer Capacity Auction System is a distributed client-server application. Traders are authenticated by the system with the certificate (the smart card technology can be used) or username and password.All upstream data are signed and logged by the system. Transfer Capacity Auction System enabled workers simply and comfortably biding with standard functions and at the same time all necessary surveillance and security options are available for auction administration stuff.